Is Leh Ladakh safe to visit now – Information


Is Leh Ladakh safe to visit now – Information

All things considered, it appears to be high mountains, low valleys and wide streams are not exactly the impediments for travel any longer, but rather on the off chance that anything is, it’s man-made – legislative issues, limits, wars and a ton of different obstacles that you more likely than not confronted. Also Visit – Leh Ladakh Pangong Lake Tour

There has been a considerable measure of buzz in the media recently about the Chinese attack in Ladakh and has influenced venture arrangements of a great deal of voyagers arranging a trek here. In the event that you too are one of them, don’t be terrified my companion and set out for the otherworldly experience called Ladakh! No, I am not recommending you to gain Ninja abilities before setting foot on this dreamlike goal. A couple of good shoes, shades, a warm coat and obviously, a camera are all you have to plan for, while going to Ladakh.

Leh Ladakh, the wonderful sport that leaves visitors in awe

In spite of the media buildup, Ladakh is really protected and secure. Notwithstanding amid the Chinese attack, the touristy regions of Leh and Ladakh were far from where a Chinese detachment had set up camp. The ranges under intrusion have seen a few hundred comparable occasions every year in the past amid which alternate parts of Ladakh have not confronted any aggravation. Having said that, in the event that you were wanting to go to Chushul, Marsimik La or Chummur, you will probably need to evaluate your arrangements, since it is exceptionally impossible that you would be issued allows in any case and regardless of the possibility that you get them by one means or another, security strengths at different check posts on the way can at present stop you and request you to turn back.

The last strand of tension in regards to Ladakh’s wellbeing has been settled gently with the two sides consenting to reestablish the present state of affairs along the Line of Actual Control in the western division of the limit, as it existed before April 15, 2013. Tact amongst India and China finished the three-week gloomy appearance off with both sides pulling back its troops to already concurred position on May fifth. Also Visit – Leh Nubra Tour

Leh Ladakh
Leh Ladakh

Contrary to media reports, Leh Ladakh is safe as ever for tourists

Tourism in Ladakh hasn’t endured much and most hoteliers are all around arranged for deluge of sightseers in the mid year get-away. Travel entrances are reserving Ladakh arrangements and bundles all the time and ideally, numbers will show signs of improvement before the finish of the season. Being one of the most secure parts in India, don’t hesitate to go to Ladakh and fall head-over-heels in affection with it.

In a favored place as Ladakh, with its beautiful Tibetan banners flying in the midst of powder-white snow and the aggregate sound of moving petition wheels, everything around is celestial, otherworldly and safe!

Leh Warnings and Dangers

Leh is situated in the Indus River Valley and was previously an imperative exchanging crossing point between Kashgar, Tibet, and Kashmir. One of the celebrated attractions is the Palace of the King of Ladakh. Numerous unique mud structures stay in the old piece of town. Since the 1970s, Leh has turned into a genuinely well known vacationer goal, and has developed in movement and attractions. Here are a few things to look out for when heading out to Leh.

Trekking in Ladakh
Trekking in Ladakh


Leh, however it is situated in the Indus River Valley, is high in height and a guest not used to high elevations may feel wiped out, bizarrely drained, or faintness until they get acclimatized. Try not to endeavor physically for the initial two to four days, and, after it’s all said and done, relax until you know how your body responds. Indeed, even a basic, non-strenuous climb can make you extremely wiped out in high heights. Also Visit – Kashmir Leh Ladakh Tour

To put the region in context, on the off chance that you visit the primary Bazaar, its rise is 3505 meters (almost 12,000 feet) and many spots you go to around Leh will be even higher. In the event that this will be your first high height encounter and have any wellbeing concerns, you might need to counsel with a specialist before you go.


Winter in Leh is lovely, however the cool is serious. Local people have changed in accordance with their winters and don’t utilize much warming inside. Underneath solidifying temperatures inside is an enormous issue and getting away from the icy is troublesome, even in many eateries and inns. In the event that you do discover warming inside, it is normally a little gas radiator, which, beside the exhaust leaving things feeling somewhat unsanitary, warms a zone fairly. Along these lines, on the off chance that you go to Leh in winter, recollect packing hotter than you typically would for the temperatures.

Police Presence

There is substantial armed force nearness in Leh as a result of the closeness to the outskirt with China. This isn’t an issue nearby however you do need to utilize a touch of judgment skills. Try not to meander around military or police regions, and completely don’t take pictures of policemen, armed force faculty, or any military structures. You will observe air terminal security to be tight with numerous checkpoints and irregular standards, as not permitting batteries past security. The security experience may enhance, however it would pay to do what examine you can and to just be patient and conscious of the measures they have set up. Additionally know that specific regions oblige grants to visit (Nubra Valley) and will require getting your international ID checked to enter. While in Leh, figure out how to securely convey your international ID with you at all circumstances.

Tour Agencies and Taxis

However much as could be expected, be specific about the vacationer organizations and cabs you trust, and don’t pay too far ahead of time. Utilize judgment skills and settle on the best choice you can, or you may end up in an awkward circumstance or need to pay influences.

Leh Ladakh
Leh Ladakh

For more information about Leh Ladakh and Leh Ladakh tour packages contact Swan Tours one of the leading travel agents in India.


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